General Information » Parent FAQ

Parent FAQ

What if my child is absent?

  1. Send your child to school the next day with a Absent/Tardy/Early Dismissal Form (on left) that has your child's name, reason for the absences, the date of the absence, and your signature.

  2. Any absence that is five days or longer also requires a note from the doctor before they can be readmitted to school.

What if my child is absent?

  1. Send your child to school the next day with a Absent/Tardy/Early Dismissal Form (on left) that has your child's name, reason for the absences, the date of the absence, and your signature.

  2. Any absence that is five days or longer also requires a note from the doctor before they can be readmitted to school.

What if my child will be traveling during school time?
Any student who will be out for twenty (20) or more days traveling may qualify for independent study. Arrangements must be made ahead of time with the teacher and have the principal's approval. Forms for independent study are available online.

What do I do if my child is tardy?
Please send your child to school with a Absent/Tardy/Early Dismissal Form (on left) that has your child's name, reason for the tardy, the date of the tardy, and your signature. A tardy of 30 minutes or more is considered an absence.

What if my child needs to leave school early?
You come to the main office and sign a permit for release during school hours. You must provide valid identification and be listed on the child's emergency card.

What if I am late to pick up my child from school?
The waiting area at the pick-up gates is supervised until 3pm. After that, students in grades 2–6 will be on the playground. Kindergarteners and 1st Graders will be brought the school office at 2:50pm.

Is there daycare available?
There is no daycare.

What if my child forgets something at home? How do I give my child items they have forgotten at home?
Any items that your child has forgotten at home can be dropped off at the main office. We will deliver the item to the classroom with minimal distraction to the classroom.

My child lost/found something at school
All sweaters, coats, lunch kits, and other personal belongings which are brought to school should be clearly labeled with the child's first and last name. Lost articles are kept at school for a month and are then donated to charity. Please check the kinder yard fence and the playground often. Articles such as glasses and wallets are kept in the office.

Can my child bring electronics or a cell phone to school?
Students are not to bring any type of electronic equipment, i.e..mp3’s or ipods…as well as no toys, including game cards. If students chose to bring these items to school they will be confiscated. Parents will be notified and allowed to pick up confiscated items from the principal. The school will not be responsible for any broken, lost, or stolen objects. Cell phones are NOT encouraged. If your child MUST bring a cell phone, it is to remain in their backpack in the off position throughout the school day. If the phone rings during class time it will be confiscated by the teacher and must be picked up from the office by a parent or guardian.

What do I do if my child has to bring crutches, wear a cast or splint, an ace bandage, sling or has had stitches or staples?
The student must have a licensed California health care provider's written permission on doctor’s letterhead to attend school that includes any recommendations and/or restrictions related to physical activity, mobility, and safety.

How does my child receive their medications at school?
If your child needs to take medication at school you can fill out a Medication To Be Taken During School Hours form or pick up a copy in the main office. The form must be completed by a California licensed health care provider and will be kept, along with the medication, in the nurse's office.

Forms & Links
Forms and links for parents are available on the left side of the page.

Forms for Parents

Information for Parents